croatian translation of helltaker
A downloadable translation
i recently got into helltaker because i was held hostage by some friends to play it, and then i found out how easy translating it was. say the least, i kiiind of made a thing in like 3 hours. so yeah. that was... fun? i guess?
everything but the names are translated!
anyways beelzebub and lucifer supremacy!
nedavno sam upala u helltaker jer su me neki prijatelji držali kao talac da bih igrala. a onda sam otkrila kako je to lako prevođenje ove igre.
...najblaže rečeno, nešto sam napravila u kao 3 sata. paaa.... to je bilo zabavno? barem malo?
sve osim imena su prevođena ( najviše jer bih samo zvučila čudna u hrvatskom lol )
u svakom slučaju, belzebub i lucifer su najbolje!!!!!!!!
Install instructions
open steam, go to properties on helltaker, local files, open that, replace the local folder from that with the one you just downloaded, boom. thats it.
otvori steam, idi u svojstva/properties/što već, local files, otvori to, zamjeni folder koji se zove local u tome s ovim koji si sada instalirao, i to je sve